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Advanced Surface Devices Lab

Lab Introduction

In the Advanced Surface Devices Research Laboratory, we conduct research on designing functional surfaces using a variety of materials and novel substances, and developing devices that apply these surfaces. By utilizing new materials such as micro/nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), we aim to create advanced surfaces with diverse functionalities. Our research focuses on developing devices that can be applied in various fields such as energy harvesting, wearable devices, and chemical sensing.

Major Research Areas

  • 1. Research on Functional Surface Design
    - Development of advanced surfaces based on new materials and micro/nanomaterialsn
    - Design of chemical-sensitive surfacesn
    - Design of superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic surfacesn
    - Design of lubricating/low-wear surfaces
  • 2. Research on Advanced Surface Device Developmentn
    - Development of devices based on functional surfacesn
    - Development of energy harvesting devices using triboelectric effectsn
    - Development of chemical sensors based on new material and surfaces
  • 3. Research on Device Design and Optimizationn
    - Design and optimization of devices utilizing novel materialsn
    - Development and evaluation of high-performance prototypes


  • Jihoon Chung
    - Affiliation: School of Mechanical System Engineering
    - Lab location: Techno building, office 125
    - Tel: 054-478-7382
    - Email: jihoon@kumoh.ac.kr
    - Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/asdrlab/home
  • Education and Experiences
    - Mar. 2009 ~ Feb. 2016: B.S., Chung-Ang University, School of Mechanical Engineering
    - Mar. 2016 ~ Feb. 2021: Ph.D, Chung-Ang University, School of Mechanical Engineering
    - Apr. 2021 ~ Jul. 2022: Post Doc., University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering